Church Life

Learn about our wide variety of ministries, fellowship opportunities, and more.

Each Sunday, St. John’s members volunteer to distribute flowers from that day’s service to anyone in the congregation or surrounding community who may appreciate an uplifting gesture; folks celebrating birthdays or anniversaries, who are ill, in the hospital, or simply need a little extra care. The recipients do not need to be members of St. John’s, they can be friends, loved ones, and neighbors!

Many of our delivery team members take time to visit with the recipients, though this is not required. We are always happy to have new volunteers for this special ministry!

Creation Stewards is a group of St. John’s members concerned with issues related to nature, racial justice, income inequality and environmental issues. Members of the group also care for the gardens at our church, educate our congregation about gardening topics, and make our grounds a welcoming place for the surrounding community.

Our St. John’s Health Ministry Team meets regularly to provide health and wellness services to our congregation. It is comprised of members of St. John’s who are trained for and/or work in the health care field. They are also on standby should any medical situation or emergency arise during worship services or any events at St. John’s. The Health Ministry team invites anyone that may be interested in joining the team to reach out to one of the team members! They are always happy to add health professional members to the team.

Praying Hands Stitchers is a group of dedicated people who enjoy knitting and crocheting for good causes. We make prayers shawls to provide comfort, love squares to calm newborns separated form their mothers, and hats and scarves for people in our community.

The Stitchers meet on the first Sunday of month, before service, from 9:00 – 10:00 am in the church library. (Summers, June – September, we meet at 8:15 am when the service starts at 9:30 am.) In addition to our own personal projects, we work on a variety of projects that serve folks in need. Come to chat, get supplies, learn how to make your project, get guidance from experienced stitchers! Questions welcomed, supplies and help available! Knitters and crocheters of all levels are welcome.

You do not have to attend the meetings regularly to be part of the group – you may work on your projects at home at your own pace and leisure.

St. John’s Stampers create beautiful handmade cards, many of which go to our home-bound members and folks on our Prayer List. The Stampers hold card sales several Sundays each year during the Fellowship Time after the 10:15 am worship service. Watch for announcements in the Herald, Enlightener & Bulletin! The Stampers meet the 2nd Thursday of the month at 1:00 pm.

Sunday Fellowship

Our St. John’s church family loves to get together and fellowship together, starting with Sunday mornings greeting each other before and after worship in the sanctuary, and then during our Fellowship Time after the 10:15 am service in the Assembly Hall. Our Board of Deacons and volunteers plan and prepare the refreshments every week. Please join us Sundays after 10:15 am worship!

Women’s Retreat

St. John’s Women’s Retreat offers all women the opportunity to fellowship together! The monthly programs are geared toward a variety of interesting topics, given by well informed presenters from St. John’s church family and the community. The highlight of the retreat season is the annual Christmas Tea in St. John’s Assembly Hall, festively decorated for the holiday season.

The Women’s Retreat is usually held at the church the second Saturday of each month September – June from 9:30 am to noon. Light refreshments are served. All women are welcome!


Church Picnic

The St. John’s Church Picnic is our largest non-worship social gathering of the year, an annual event that has taken place early in June for decades. A great time is always had by all, with food, fellowship, and lots of activities for all ages!

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