Mar 19, 2025

St. John’s Love
St. John’s UCC, you sure know how to roll out the Welcome Wagon! I have felt such warmth, enthusiasm, support, and love in my short time here. I can only imagine – and trust – that visitors, guests, and neighbors experience the same “St. John’s Love” when they come through our doors. I’m excited to work together and to continue to, as your banner outside proclaims, “Draw the circle wide.”

Amazing Staff and Leaders
You have a wonderful, gifted, and committed staff. They are helping me learn the ropes, get oriented, and have even shared their secret stashes of tea and sweets! We are working on clarifying processes and procedures, and beginning to identify some priorities as we go. I know you’ll continue to support them as we find a new rhythm, and strengthen the foundations for the collective vision and mission which will unfold in this time.

The Ministerial Staff has been a blessing. Andrew’s musical leadership and deep theological grounding is truly magical. Pastor Tom’s gentle, wise presence has been a gift and I’m grateful for our partnership. And your leaders? You are in good hands, church!

Listening As a Priority
Pastors talk. A lot. (I mean, it makes sense. We are paid to use our words!) We preach. We pray. We teach. I will still do all those things (and by the grace of God, not be too long-winded about it). But I also want to listen.

One of my priorities for the next months is to listen. To listen to folks who are here and participating. To listen to those who are feeling at the margins, looking in, unsure about how or if to engage, and have their own stories to tell. To listen to our neighbors and the Lansdale community. I want to listen to you. I want to hear who you are, what you love, what you long for, and ways you have been touched or shaped by St. John’s UCC.

This will happen over time, and not overnight! Along the way, I will be inviting people to “Listening Sessions.” Some of these will be open to anyone. Some will be focused on particular groups or identities or interests. (I’ll start with children and youth, because I believe we are always strongest when we center the voices and experiences of our young people.) So, stay tuned for some of these conversations. I can’t wait to hear from you!

Pastor Linda

ps. Folks are asking what to call me. Pastor Linda, Reverend Linda, or Linda – are all fine!

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