Jan 24, 2025

Dear Members and Friends of St. John’s,

Ordinarily, one might say it was bad form to brag too much about things at church – pride goeth before a fall, and all that! But as an outsider to St. John’s, I think I may be afforded that privilege, so here goes:

You have an amazingly dedicated group of people who keep St. John’s and its ministry’s best interests deeply planted in their hearts. I have earned so much in the past 9 months from walking alongside the people of this congregation – both its leaders and those who simply “show up” for worship — that I would not be able to list all the experiences that I have cherished in this letter.

I am so grateful to work at a place that allows the staff to try out new things. You demonstrate a willingness to try new things that is both admirable and holds up a mirror to a God who daily “makes all things new.” This is no small feat given all the changes you have been through in the past several years – well done!

I have never experienced a place that continually reinvents itself so ably. Wednesday Night Live (WNL) is a prime example. St. John’s has made a brilliant space for this new offering and it has the potential to be a powerhouse for evangelizing new members and feeding our current members. As Dr. Hilary once described the experience: “It gets inside you” and you can feel the power of the Holden Prayer Service throughout the week until you come back.”

The adult education class that I have been teaching looks to be a fun and engaging way for us to expand our own faith. We are currently reading a book by Amanda Held Opert (her focus in the book is on grief written after losing her sister and other things she writes about, just as Covid hit, which made this process extra complicated). The class both instructs about the roots of this universal human experience and teaches us how to live with our grief (large and small) while at the same time providing the opportunity for some doodling and conversation that just seems fun!

The view from the Acting Lead Bridge Pastor these days is towards a pathway that is opening wide! As you also know, St. John’s is about to be joined with a highly capable leader in the person of Rev. Linda Noonan. It is an exciting time to be in ministry in Lansdale!


Pastor Tom

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