About Our Publications

St. John’s has 3 major publications to provide our congregation members, friends & guests with information about our worship schedules and activities. 


WeeklyThe Bulletin (or ‘program’) published every Sunday is handed out by our ushers as you enter each worship service.  It lists the order of worship and provides the words to responses, prayers, scripture and special hymns not in our New Century Hymnal.  It also lists announcements of upcoming events, and monthly has an insert from the Pa. Southeast Conference of the UCC.  Copies are available in large-print versions if needed. This is available late in the corresponding week on this website under the tab “Read Our Publications”.


Bi-Weekly – The Herald is sent by mail every 2 weeks with information about the next 2 upcoming worship services and activities plus special announcements.  This can also be received by email as the e-Herald (contact the church office).  This is also available each week on this website under the tab “Read Our Publications”.


MonthlyThe Enlightener is our long-form document published monthly from September – June, with listings of upcoming events, reports from our pastors, church council, and organizations within the church.  This is mailed to members monthly.  This is also available each week on this website under “Read Our Publications”.  


If you presently do not receive the Herald or Enlightener by mail, please contact the church office.