About The PSEC

The Pennsylvania Southeast Conference, United Church of Christ


Click here to link to the Penn Southeast Conference website


St. John’s is a member church of the Pennsylvania Southeast Conference of the United Church of Christ, sometimes called the PSEC, with offices in Pottstown, Pa.



PSEC Quiet Days: New Goshenhoppen UCC, 1070 Church Road, East Greenville, PA 18041 – Come for a time of quiet & solitude, individual reflection, and fellowship & sharing. Quiet Days are held on the first Tuesday of each month from 9:30 am – 1 pm. PSEC Quiet Days are designed to open new avenues of communing with God, and to provide an opportunity for sharing faith journeys and stories. They allow for Sabbath time and renewal in the midst of our busy world. There is no formal registration, but a minimum donation of $5 is requested on Quiet Day. Each participant is asked to bring a Bible, journal, pen and a bag lunch. Come and see what God has in store for you.

PSEC Conference Minister, Rev. William P. Worley, preaching at St. John’s, November 16, 2018.  Contact: worley@psec.org



                                                           PSEC: Who Are We?


§           We are the United Church of Christ in southeastern Pennsylvania!


.       We are over 160 congregations, with an extravagant welcome for you!


.          We are rooted in the Reformed and Congregational traditions, but open to new ideas!


.          We are the church which refuses to put a ‘period’ where God has placed a ‘comma’!


.           We are a church open and welcoming of all people from all backgrounds!


.          We are an inter-generational community with programs and activities for all ages!


.          We are a church committed to the work of justice, equality, healing, and peace!


.           We are not a church with “all the answers,” but rather a community of seekers!


.           We are a church where our common journey is more important than religiosity!


.           We are the church whose faith is 2,000 years old, but our thinking is not!


§           We are the United Church of Christ, where GOD IS STILL SPEAKING!


.     No matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here!



Pennsylvania Southeast Conference, United Church of Christ


We, the Pennsylvania Southeast Conference of the United Church of Christ, trusting in God’s saving grace; proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ, ministering in covenant with our local churches and 
associations; and reaching out in mission to the wider church and to the world; embody God’s love by:


Encouraging our local churches toward new and renewed ministries; nurturing strong pastoral leadership while celebrating and developing the God-given talents of all members.  


Strengthening the mission of our Conference; providing new opportunities for worship, Christian education, stewardship, evangelism and Christian witness while affirming our partnership with the whole United Church of Christ.


Preparing the way for God’s reign; affirming the ecumenical unity and inclusiveness of Christ’s Church; committing to the struggle for justice, mercy and peace while praying for the healing of all that separates us from God’s love.


More About UCC Conferences & the PSEC:  The United Church of Christ is comprised of 38 Conferences, each with its own distinct identity. Conferences exist to support the ministries of local churches and Associations and to provide a way for those bodies to minister to the wider world. Your Conference staff stands ready to consult with local churches as invited on issues of spiritual growth, pastoral search and call, church revitalization, stewardship, church conflict, communications, Christian education and other resources, youth and young adult ministries, and other church issues. This Conference also supports the work of outdoor and retreat ministries, offers continuing education events for pastors, organizes disaster response, and facilitates support of United Church of Christ national and world ministries. Pennsylvania Southeast Conference has two meetings each year, one in the fall and one in the spring, with representation invited from each local church. These meetings enable us to worship, share fellowship, and confer together as one body in Christ. Every two years the 38 Conferences gather together for General Synod, celebrating our unity throughout the United Church of Christ.


Click here to read the PSEC newsletter “Communitas”